Renovation Contractor Click to read

Renovation Contractor

May/June 2013

Renovation Contractor is a trade publication written by and for Canada’s small- and medium-sized home renovators. Our nationwide audience consists of renovators, custom homebuilders, carpenters, roofers, plumbers, drywallers, and HVAC professionals. Each issue of the magazine features reviews of the latest tools and building techniques, advice on expanding and improving a small-business, and tackles the issues that concern building tradespeople the most.

In this issue:   The Great Outdoors Issue! Island Time - Dealing with delays and other hardships in hard-to-reach locations; Exploring Solar Systems - Photovoltaics are a cost-effective option to power homes in remote locations; The Hottest New Hand Tools; Garage Doors Get A Facelift; Introducing Russ T. Hinge; And Much More!